December 20, 2008

The Beginning

In the beginning of 2004 I made my first Frodo piece, just as a try.

It trned out good, so i gave a second try for Legolas:

It was also a success.

These pieces are not a part of the chess set, as i gave it away as presеnts.

December 13, 2008

LOTR chess set

Here is my greatest project - the Lord of the Rings chess set.
So far it has taken me more than 4 years to do half of it.

The white pieces:

Good vs Evil:

December 2, 2008


Aragorn & Galadriel / Arwen?

Legolas & Gimly



Frodo & Pipin


Isengard & Saruman

A Ringwraith

The Lord of the Nazuls