I am fond of aquariums and in particular biotope tanks. I am trying to recreate the habitat of the fish. I am not too strictly following the habitat, but I am trying to select fish and plants that are found in similar region (not obligatory the same stream)
The first aquarium was a South East Asia biotope - white water river in Thailand. It started like this:
Plants: Rotala indica, Lymnophila sessilifolia, Hygrophila siamensis "small", Hygrophila angustifolia, Hygrophila difformis, Microsorium pteropus, Cryptocoryne wendtii brown, Cryptocoryne Lutea, Cryptocoryne cordate, Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia.
Fish: 11 Puntius tetrazona, 11 Trigonostigma espei, 5 Crossocheilus siamensis, 5 Pangio kuhlii.
March 2009:
Then I removed most of the fast growing plants and it became like this:
December 2009
In March 2011 I moved to a bigger tank - 330l / 146x5x50h. I kept the same idea of the aquarium, the fish, the plants and roots and added some more. It is a typical "slow" aquarium.
Plants: Microsorium pterosus normal, narrow and needle, Cryptocoryne wendtii brown, Cryptocoryne Lutea, Cryptocoryne cordate, Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia, Cyperus Helferi.
Fish: 25 Puntius tetrazona, 25Trigonostigma espei, 7 Crossocheilus siamensis, 2 Gyrinocheilus aymonieri, 10 Pangio kuhlii.
June 2011:
December 2011:
July 2012:
I still have some problems with the plants, especially the Microsorum and Cyperus Helferi
That aquarium is situated in our bedroom: